Awards & Grants
Active awards/grants
Enterprise Ireland H2020 – Proposal Preparation Support (2018)
Provost’s Award, Trinity College Dublin (2017-)
Global Brain Health Institute Project Grants (2017-2019)
Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund (2017-2022)
Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund for International Collaborations (2017-)
School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin (2017-)
L’Oréal Foundation France and UNESCO International International Rising Talent Award (2017-)
L’Oréal for Women in Science Research Excellence Fellowship, with the support of the Canadian Commission for UNESCO (1 out of 2 fellowships in Canada). (2016-)
Past awards/grants
Academic Achievement Award, Albanian Canadian Excellence Society, Canada (2017)
Postdoctoral Scholar of the Year. Western University. Canada. (2016)
Distinguished Person of the Year. Albanian Diaspora of Canada. Canada. (2015)
One of Best 51 Discoveries Since 1878, Western University. Canada. (2014)
Graduate Fellowship ($300,000; 3% success rate), Jack Kent Cooke Foundation. USA. (2004 – 2010)
Travel Grant Award ($1500), Brain (the Journal). UK. (2010)
Travel Grant Award ($1500), Brain (the Journal). UK. (2009)
Marie Curie Trainee Award ($10,000), Marie Curie School for Neuroscience. Italy. (2008)
Clare College Graduate Student Grant (£1,000), Clare College. University of Cambridge, UK. (2008)
Grindley Research Grant (£2,000). Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Cambridge. UK. (2008)
Cambridge Philosophical Society Travel Grant (£500), University of Cambridge. UK. (2007/2008)
Graduate Presentation Award ($2,000; 2% success rate), Cognitive Neuroscience Society. USA. (2007)
Travel Fellowship Award ($750), Organization for Human Brain Mapping. USA. (2006)
Grindley Travel Grant (£800), Experimental Psychology Society. UK. (2006)
Chibnall Travel Grant (£1,000), Clare College, University of Cambridge. UK. (2006)
Richard B. Russell Leadership Fellow, University of Georgia. USA. (2003)
MSc Research Award ($50,000), GlaxoSmithKline Inc. UK. (2002)
All-Americal Scholar Collegiate Award, University of Georgia. USA. (2002)
Presidential Scholar, University of Georgia. USA. (2001/2002)
Phi Beta Kappa Honour Society, University of Georgia. USA. (2001)
Foundation Fellowship Award ($100,000; 0.5% success rate), University of Georgia. USA. (2000)